Friday, March 12

Don't Feed the Bears

I am having one of those days. And I am oh-so-tempted to not blog about it, and yet that wouldn’t be very transparent or honest of me, right? To make you all think that my life is hunky-dory? Nay. Besides, you all know better.

Well, I had it out with one of the girls who report to me at work. And I feel like crap about it, kinda ticked off, wondering why I took this job, wondering why I STAY at this job… Pastor Keith says, “Don’t feed the bears,” meaning don’t let yourself get caught up in the drama of those who try to suck you in. I guess I lost my picnic basket this morning…

But like He always does, God has reminded me that He is here for me – through others. I have heard from Sam and from Lizzie (who is going to get me Dutch Blitz while she is home in Ohio! AMAZING!). I have heard from my sister Merry. And dear Leslie just checked in on me too. It is good to be loved, and to be reminded that I am loved, especially on these types of days. When I feel like the bears…are eating me.

Romans 8


Jocelyn said...

Hope your day gets better!!!! I love you mon rat!!!

Hi! said...

Bruce Crews said...

wiat - at the end of that clip - is the bear doing the robot? that's so fresh!