The way he loves God – It has been AMAZING seeing him grow in the Lord, especially as he prepares to become a pastor. The way he lives is so much more Christ-centered, and it is so incredibly sexy. And I swear his servant’s heart grows bigger each day!
His sense of humor – We are both total weirdos, and I love that! It’s nice to be partners with someone with the same twisted, weird way of looking at life.
The way the college students and church peeps love him
His love of all things soft-serve vanilla
The way he listens – to me, to the pastors, to the college students, to friends and family, even to the dogs
His music addiction – even though I might not like all of his music tastes, at least he keeps me singing. And that’s the only hobby he has, so I cannot complain (especially when I am standing in a room FULL of my hobby supplies!).
His hair – I should say, the way he loves his hair! It’s that gorgeous brownish coppery color, and now that he’s growing it out, it’s fun to watch him style it with the hairdryer and shake his head like a model to feel it swish back and forth on his neck. Ha ha!
The way he can’t lie
The way he looks first thing in the morning – OH THE HAIR!!
The way he makes me coffee on Saturdays
His willingness to kill all hideous insects and creatures on my behalf
The way we play “punch bug” when we’re driving around (especially because he loses so well!)
The way he would give me his last bite of something really, really yummy if I asked him to… now THAT’S love!
The way that he works a boring, underpaying job because I need him to
But most of all: The way he loves me – I am not an easy woman to love with, let alone love. Yet he does it with such depth and conviction, it takes me breath away, even after 12 years of marriage! He taught me that I was loveable, when I thought I wasn’t. And his love has helped shape me into the woman that I am. He is my very best friend. I love you, Bruce!
Awe I love this!!! Except it made me miss you more!!!! REmember when you came to Philly and we got water ice at that really ghetto place? The vanilla soft serve reminded me of that. And hahaha I can just see you guys punching each other, too. :)
Love you!!
What? You guys...weirdos? No! Never!!! Seriously, this is the cutest post ever!!!! Love it! Makes me miss you mon rat!!!
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