The wedding was, of course, emotional for me and Bruce. Not only was Keith one of our “college peeps,” but also this was Bruce’s FIRST wedding – and the reminder that God works wonders when you let Him.
We arrived home to a clean house and happy dogs (thank you, Lindsay!), and it was only a matter of time before a friend of ours arrived for the night. She has been called as a missionary for a year, and spoke about it in church on Sunday. She will be ministering to college students abroad (her location is private due to safety concerns). How awesome is that? Here is a girl who was actively involved in our college ministry who is now being called to serve in a college ministry in another country! Yet another reminder that God works wonders when you let Him.
Remember the faith jars we have at the church – for the carpet? Well, they are still there, and each week a bunch of us put our carpet money in them. God is REALLY teaching me about faith through those jugs! At this point, I almost don’t care if we do pay off the carpet (though I am confident that we will). I have learned so much about faith, and that lesson is worth WAY more than the carpet debt! Sunday morning, I actually found myself praying, “God, increase my faith. And test it so that it continues to grow.” And that is so not like me – I am usually terrified of the testing part. Testing hurts. It’s not fun. It’s rather scary. But I am craving it like crazy right now!
Do I need to say it again, folks? God works wonders when you let Him.
James 1:2-4 - Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.