Monday, April 25

10 Things I’d Rather Be Doing Right Now

It’s a beautiful day today, and that of course has me longing to be out of the office. So many folks are still on Easter break, and I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the little work I do have. Here’s a list of 10 things I’d rather be doing right now.
  1. Walking on a beach – I went to school in Pensacola, FL, where the beach equals white sand and aqua water. Oh, so many sunburns (brought on by a thick slathering of baby oil, of course)! There’s something about the sounds and smells of the beach that just feels like heaven to me.
  2. Watching a scary movie – Horror movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. Especially vampire flicks. But sometimes, they get the better of me.
  3. Painting my fingernails – The last time I went to Ulta, I found my new favorite nail polish. It’s basically clear with multi-colored glitter. I feel like it’s a little party on my fingers.
  4. Baking something – My friend Jocelyn is ALWAYS baking it seems, and her amazing recipes make my mouth water. But my waistline needs to be shrinking, so I shall refrain.
  5. Hanging with Bruce – No matter what I do, even if I’m not doing anything, life is better with him around. I am really thankful to have such an amazing husband.
  6. Exploring a new town – I’ve always enjoyed going new places and seeing new things. Bruce is doing a wedding in Charleston at the end of May, and since we’ve never been there before, we are taking a few days just to explore. Can’t wait!
  7. Drinking a cup of coffee with a friend – Me loves the java. I have since college. And the only thing that makes it better is sharing it with a friend. Maybe one night this week….
  8. Sitting in a hot tub – ‘Nuff said.
  9. Creating art – Today I’d probably paint a little. I’m feeling pretty antsy, and I find that slathering paint on a canvas is quite soothing!
  10. Tickling a penguin - Watch this video, and I dare you to tell me that you don't want to as well.....

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