Friday, July 8

Cuppa Joe

Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Woldan
 A morning without coffee is sleep.

Ha ha… That’s how I feel, at least. I love me some java. Before work, I shuffle through my morning routine, drive to work with my eyes half open, stumble into my office, and head straight to the coffee pot to get my brew on. Soon the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and as the first hot sip touches my lips, I start to feel more human than zombie. Ahhh…

And heaven help me (and anyone within a 5 mile radius of me) if, for some reason, I do not get my coffee. I’m tired. Unmotivated. Grouchy. I NEED my morning coffee to get through the day.

My church is currently reading through the book of Proverbs together and then commenting/discussing it on Bruce’s blog. Reading a chapter a day has become part of my morning routine now too (once I have my coffee cup in hand, of course). And I have to say, that I’m actually starting to CRAVE my daily dose of Proverbs.

This is exciting to me because, like most people, while I know I need to be spending time in my Bible every day, doing so has always been a bit of a struggle for me. That’s right. I said it. I am a pastor’s wife, and I struggle to read my Bible every day. But I know a lot of other people do too. Why is it so difficult to get into that habit?

The Proverbs study, while teaching me lots of wise tidbits about living the Christian life, has helped me realize just how necessary reading God’s word DAILY is. His word is becoming my new “coffee,” my daily craving that opens my eyes and lifts my spirits.

I want to drink Him in. 

Hope God speaks to each of you today too….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your post this morning. I am also a pastors wife that needs her coffee and reads the Bible, well...not so much. I talk to God a lot, I listen to Joyce Meyer a lot, and I read Christian books with Bible verses in them. Does that count for anything? :)