3 day weekends are glorious! No pressure to get the chores done on Saturday since you have an extra "non-Sabbath" day to take care of things. You can stay up late Sunday night knowing that you can sleep in the next morning. Ahhh...
Bruce has been getting over a nasty little bug, so our original plans fo the weekend were thwarted by that. No dinner with Scarlett, and no lunch with Scott, Tara and Breanna. Very disappointing. But the poor man was SICK! No need to spread all that around. We "chillaxed" together, watching movies, napping, etc. We did a bit of straightening too, though more is to be done. I do not understand how two people can make such a bunch of clutter! I remember the early days of our marriage where I was actually a militant neat freak. Somehow, I lost touch with that part of me... I wish that girl would come back maybe once a month for a deep-clean. Or just long enough to hire a maid... :)
Today was a really good day, though when I first got up, I felt as though I was getting sick. A nice shower took care of that ickiness though - thankfully. Church was just patriotic enough not to be cheesy. Before the sermon, we watched a short video about the veterans who have fought for our freedom. It was quite moving! It reminded me of Memorial Days when I was a kid - we'd go to the county courthouse to watch the parade. I didn't really understand it all then, but I am mindful of it now, just probably not enough...
Tonight we had a red, white and blue dessert social at church! Oh how I love summer fruit! I brought a big bowl of watermelon - thankfully there is some left for me to enjoy tomorrow. I also allowed myself to have 2 star-shaped cookies, which were really, REALLY good. Someone even brought some blue-colored milk... Ha ha!
I wonder what adventures are in store for us tomorrow. Bruce plans to mow the yard. Eww. Maybe I'll get crazy and decide to put away all that laundry. Bruce asked me to create some art for his office at the church, and I am eager to start on that. I have been doing some stitching this past week, but I itching to get my hands on some collage papers. We will see...
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